Crazy Dream About Drugs…help?

Question by : crazy dream about drugs…help?
In my dream These guys asked us to smoke pot with them,i was worried it was laced but me and my friend did it anyways,it was laced with meth,i started feeling like i was on meth in my dream?? it felt so real and i actually felt like i was on meth?but right when i figured out the pot was laced me and my friend ran into the abandoned building,we started running towards the back to hide from these guys cause they were chasing us,i turn to hide around this corner and my friends gone,so im hiding by myself sitting on the ground feeling the meth kick in alot,all of sudden one of the guys is laying on the ground in front of me telling me to go to the room and lay in bed with him,i acted like i wasn’t scared of him anymore but i kept saying “no” cause i knew he was going to try to have sex with me in the room,he kept trying to make me go in the room though,then i remember trying to run out of the building.

whats my dream mean? yes i have been addicted before,alot of my friends do 17.

Best answer:

Answer by inigo
it sounds like you want some sex and drugs. or that you’re afraid of sex, and want drugs. or that you associate sex with drugs and are afraid of sex but want drugs and this is a conflict for you.

i used to have pot dreams when i really wanted some pot but hadn’t had any in months.

Answer by Rebecca Bevelstoke
WOW, yo, your mind is messed up.

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